
For information about COVID 19 in Manitoba, click on the Shared Health or Manitoba Health page links. 



Public Drug Alerts: Click here



We are part of Healthy Sexuality and Harm Reduction in the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority's (WRHA) Population and Public Health Program.

Public health nurses and outreach workers staff our van, which drives around the city every evening except Sunday. You can also find us during the day from Monday to Friday in our office on the main floor of 496 Hargrave St.
We base our services on a harm reduction philosophy. This means that we support programs and policies that improve the health of people who use drugs and support people in their efforts to keep themselves and the larger community safe, without judging people for their sexual or drug use practices.



Van Routes

Monday to Thursday

Nursing services available these evenings

6:00 - 6:10

Main St.  and Higgins Ave.


Main St. near Sutherland Ave.

10:00 - 10:10 pm 

Selkirk Ave. and McKenzie St.

11:00  - 11:10 pm

Sargent Ave. near Beverley St..










Friday and Saturday


Nursing services available Friday evening

No nursing on Saturday evening 


10:00 - 10:10 pm

Selkirk Ave. and McKenzie St.


Call 204-981-0742 to find us!



Frequently-asked questions (FAQ)

Where can you find information on COVID and Harm Reduction?

You can find information by visiting https://mhrn.ca/covid19. This page of includes Manitoba-specific and other relevant resources regarding COVID-19.